We’ve been selected as one of the top 10 Nursing Schools in Texas – Learn more

Become an LVN/LPN

Become an integral part of the patient care team with our Vocational Nursing program. LVNs provide basic nursing care under the supervision of a Registered Nurse or Physician.

Become an LVN/LPN at Texarkana College

What to Know at a Glance


1-year certificate (48 sch)



Scheduling Options

Full time; Day classes

Where it is Offered

Main Campus, #15 on the campus map; Hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities in our area

About Our LVN Program

Students learn to provide direct nursing care to acutely and chronically ill patients within the health care settings. The role of the VN is to function under the leadership of registered nurses and physicians. TC offers an LVN to RN degree transition program that will help you take your healthcare career to the next level.

Application Process

Completion of BIOL 2301/2101 Anatomy and Physiology I with Lab and BIOL 2302/2102 Anatomy and Physiology II with Lab with a grade of “C” or higher must be attained prior to the first day of the LVN program.

Submit an application to Texarkana College. If you have questions or need any assistance , we have recruiters on hand ready to help you get started today, just call 903-823-3012.

Please note as you complete the application, you will need to have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 (on a 4.0 scale) or above on all college-level work to qualify for the VN program.

Start your application

For questions about previous scores, how to take the TSI test, or exemptions please contact the Health Sciences Enrollment Advisor. 

Email: Karen.holt@texarkanacollege.edu

Phone: 903-823-3351

Schedule an appointment with the Health Sciences Enrollment Advisor, Karen Holt. Call Health Sciences Division to schedule an appointment 903-823-3351

On the TEAS, an overall score of 50 or greater is required for admission. 


The TEAS must be within 2 years of the program application date. A maximum of three TEAS attempts within a 12-month period is allowed. A minimum of 15 days is required between testing attempts. TEAS exam scores taken at proctored testing sites other than Texarkana College may be submitted. 

Students may pay and register for the TEAS online at www.atitesting.com.

The exam must be taken in-person with a proctor, either at a college/university or at a PSI Testing Center.  Exam scores from online remote proctoring will NOT be accepted.

An official high school transcript, GED scores and transcripts from all colleges attended must be submitted.  


High school seniors must submit a 7-semester transcript with a completed transcript to be on file 2 weeks prior to registration.

Process for Selection of Students

Points System

  • Students applying to the Vocational Nursing Program will be ranked according to the “Points System Admission Process”. (Download a copy of the Vocational Points System Admission Process form) Students will be accepted until all available spots are filled. Students not accepted will be placed on an alternate list. Alternate list applicants may be admitted if another student’s “Conditional Acceptance” is forfeited or revoked, provided they have met the other application requirements.

Notification of Selected Applicants

  • Selected applicants will be sent notification of their “Conditional Acceptance” pending receipt of the required documentation to the Office of the Health Sciences Enrollment Advisor.
  • Applicants who were not selected initially will be placed on an alternate list.
  • In the event of cancellations or forfeitures, eligible applicants from the alternate list will be notified.
  • The alternate list will be maintained until the current class begins the semester.
  • Applicants who are not selected for admission and those that decline a position must re-apply to the program to be considered for admission.
  • Any questions regarding the status of an application should be directed to the Health Sciences Enrollment Advisor

Re-Entry Admission Procedure

  • Any student who is dismissed from the LVN program due to Professional and/or Ethical violations is not eligible for re-entry into the LVN program. In addition, any student who has had a Clinical failure due to unsafe clinical practice is not eligible for re-entry into the LVN program.
  • Candidates for re-entry to the LVN program must complete the re-entry procedures.  Re-entry into the LVN program will be considered on an individual basis, on a space availability basis, and faculty recommendation.  A student who leaves the LVN program for any reason other than an Ethical violation or Clinical failure will be permitted one other opportunity to re-enroll.  Students must apply for re-entry into the LVN program within 12 months after leaving the LVN program.  The re-entering student must complete courses as prescribed by the nursing department. Some courses may need to be repeated.  If the request for re-entry is greater than one year, the student will be required to re-enter as a beginning student.

NOTE: The student accepted for re-entry will be under the current policy and procedures of the Health Sciences Division program at the time of re-entry. Candidates who re-apply, meet the criteria, and are accepted for readmission will be offered two opportunities to re-enter the LVN program.  If the candidate declines re-entry both times, they are removed from the list of applicants and will be required to apply as a new applicant for the first semester.

Steps For Re-Entry

  1. Complete the Health Sciences Division Application for Re-entry form.
  2. Have a personal guidance interview with the Enrollment Management Specialist (EMS). Appointments are encouraged but not necessary. Inform the EMS that you have been enrolled in the LVN Program previously.
  3. Have a conference with a member of the VN faculty if required by the Admissions Committee.
  4. Complete re-entry testing, if required.
  5. Complete all other requirements set forth by the Admissions Committee.
  6. The student will be required to have a current physical examination and negative drug screen. The student will also have a clear criminal background check through the Texas BON. These are not required until notification in writing of “Conditional Acceptance” into the nursing program has been received.


  1. You may ask the college Enrollment Services Office staff for a math review sheet.
  2. BIOL: 2301/2101 and BIOL 2302/2102 may be transferred from another institution.
  3. Experience in health care is recommended prior to admission (volunteer, nurse assistant, etc.).
  4. Notification of conditional acceptance or denial will be mailed to all candidates. Any questions should be directed to the Enrollment Management Specialist.
  5. There is no waiting list carried over from one admission cycle to the next. Students who do not get accepted into the class must re-apply for the next class.
  6. Applicants are ranked according to the criteria on the Vocational Nursing Points System for Admission Ranking tool.
  7. The number of students admitted is based on clinical space availability and the number of faculty members.
  8. Students who are not admitted are responsible for re-applying for the next class.
  9. Students are responsible for keeping their files updated, including mailing address, email address, and phone number.

Transfer Procedure

Transfer students will be evaluated and placed in the LVN Program on an individual basis, as space allows.

Steps for Transfer Admission:

  1. Complete the First Admission process.  (Admission scores from other programs or a college GPA may be accepted).
  2. Have a personal guidance interview with the Enrollment Management Specialist.
  3. Submit course syllabi of previous nursing classes.
  4. Sign permission for obtaining a letter of reference from previous school of nursing.
  5. Prior to acceptance, a physical examination, negative drug screen and satisfactory criminal background check.  These are not required until notification in writing of “Conditional Acceptance” into the nursing program has been received.

Admission Requirements

Candidates for the nursing program are expected to be proficient in communication skills, math, science, computer, and learning skills, as well as have physical and mental abilities to practice nursing. To be considered for admission, the candidate must complete the procedures listed below. (Incomplete files are not considered). Download the Points System Admission Process form

The physical examination includes proof of childhood immunizations, including a completed hepatitis B vaccine series which takes a minimum of 4 months, a meningitis vaccine (unless age 22 or above), as required by Texas law, and a negative TB screening. This is required after notification in writing of “Conditional Acceptance” into the nursing program. The applicant must bring proof of having at least begun the Hepatitis B series when completing their interview.

Students must have the American Heart Association Basic Life Support Healthcare Provider certification.  (AHA/BLS-HCP).  Must be current throughout enrollment in the program.  Students are encouraged to take the course after the “Conditional Acceptance” is received to ensure the course is current throughout the program enrollment.  

Visit the Community and Business Education website or call 903-823-3270 for information regarding registration.

Students must receive a negative drug screen and a “satisfactory” Texas Board of Nursing background check.

Please watch for your conditional acceptance letter following your application submission for further instructions.

  • If all required documentation (TB test/CPR/drug screen/fingerprinting) is not submitted by the deadline, the conditional acceptance status will be revoked and the student will have to reapply to the program.
  • If a Declaratory Order is required by the Board of Nursing (BON) for a prior offense on the criminal background check, the applicant will be given until July 1st to obtain clearance from the BON, otherwise the “Conditional Acceptance” to the program will be revoked.
  • If low grades earned early in the applicant’s college career are making the GPA less competitive, the student is encouraged to ask about the “Academic Fresh Start”. See Academic Fresh Start Policy in the TC Catalog/Handbook.
  • Turn in the Admission Checklist to the Enrollment Advisor with an original signature and date

More About the Vocational Nursing program

The philosophy of the Vocational Nursing Program is consistent with the mission, vision and institutional goals of Texarkana College in order to provide for the educational needs of a diverse community. It incorporates the legal, ethical, and educational standards of vocational nursing, and is sensitive to the diverse cultural and ethical backgrounds of the students and the community they serve. 

The Vocational Nursing faculty believes that the teaching/learning process is an interactive process in which specific learning outcomes are achieved. The curriculum is comprised of objectives in which cognitive, affective, and psychomotor components progress from simple to complex. Emphasis is placed on accountability and professionalism with a commitment to lifelong learning. 

The Vocational Nursing faculty further believes that it is important to facilitate the learning process by guiding, encouraging, and inspiring students to problem solve and become confident in their nursing practice. The students must be proactive in this teaching/learning process by assuming responsibility and accountability for their own learning. 

The Vocational Nursing program prepares the graduate to be able to think critically, using the nursing process to make decisions and arrive at safe conclusions. The graduate is prepared to meet the differentiated essential competencies (DECs) as set forth by the Texas Board of Nursing. The vocational nursing role represents the beginning level of the nursing practice continuum as Member of the Profession, Provider of Patient-Centered Care, Patient Safety Advocate, and Member of the Health Care Team.

Learning outcomes are based on the Differentiated Essential Competencies set forth by the Texas Board of Nursing for graduates of vocational nursing education programs⁎⁎⁎. Upon completion of the program, the graduate has the ability to: 

  1. Utilize the nursing process to assist with identifying the patient’s physical and mental health status, their needs, and the preferences of culturally, ethnically and socially diverse patients and their families based on interpretation of health-related data. (DECs I, II)
  2. Observe, report, and document pertinent nursing information including alterations in patient responses to therapeutic interventions. (DECs I, II, III, IV) 
  3. Safely perform nursing interventions according to the vocational nurse level of practice. (DECs II, III)
  4. Implement teaching plans that are based upon accepted scientific principles in order to give direct care with skill and safety. (DEC II)
  5. Provide compassionate care which maintains comfort and dignity. (DECs II, III)
  6. Assign nursing care to others for whom the nurse is responsible based upon an analysis of patient and unit needs, continuing to supervise this assignment through its completion. (DECs I, II, III, IV)
  7. Use psychological principles to demonstrate effective interpersonal relationships with patients and others. (DECs I, II, III, IV)
  8. Communicate and collaborate with members of the interdisciplinary health care team in order to set goals and outcomes that will aid in reducing patient risks. (DEC IV)
  9. Practice within legal and ethical nursing standards. (DECs I, II)
  10. Acknowledge the value of continuing education and participating in lifelong learning. (DECs I, III)


  • Critical Thinking 
  • Leadership 
  • Adaptability 
  • Management 
  • Problem Solving 
  • Technical Proficiency 
  • Life-long Learning 
  • Cultural Awareness 
  • Ethical Decision Making 
  • Professionalism 
  • Time Management 
  • Organization 
  • Safety Awareness

Possible Careers and Salaries



Registered Nurse


Health Informatics Specialist


Surgical Technologist


Dates & Deadlines

Fall Start

Applications open January 1 and close April 15

Jan 1 – April 15

Spring Start

Applications open July 1 and close October 1

July 1 – October 1

Tuition Costs

Approximate total LVN program cost for in-district (Bowie County residents) for the Nursing, Vocational Program is $6,710.

Program Contacts

Karen Holt

Health Sciences Enrollment Specialist

Lisa Carver

Vocational Nursing Program Coordinator

Courtney Shoalmire

Dean of Health Sciences